Friday, 2 September 2011

The Citizens’ Perceptions towards the Banner of Subsidized Premium Petrol

Nowadays, Indonesian government actually has already been aware of the economic condition around its country. It can be seen through the regulation on the premium subsidized petrol which apparently is produced for those who belong to the low-middle class. In fact, this condition is not implemented in a proper order since most Indonesian citizens from any living levels still purchase the premium petrol for their vehicles. That is why the government attempts to solve this problem by putting some wall banners in some gas stations to proclaim the citizens especially from the middle-high class to not purchase for the subsidized petrol.                                          
Almost in every gas station in Indonesia, it will be easily found some wall banners which contain vague meanings. For example in one of gas stations along JL. Prambanan-Piyungan, Yogyakarta, there is a big banner on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource, inscribed with a reminder, “Premium is the subsidized petrol only for the incapable citizen class”. This reminder actually is still vague knowing the fact that the word “incapable” has a broad and relative meaning.  People can define this word into various meanings which perhaps will be different from one another. Moreover, everybody also possibly perceives that he or she is not capable enough for buying the non-subsidized petrol which means that he or she deserves to make a demand on the premium petrol.
            Dealing with the reminder towards the subsidized petrol, a further analysis is beneficially needed to find out the real sense of the incapable condition within the citizens. The word “incapable” actually is derived from one base “capable” which is added by the prefix “in” to present the negative sense. According to the Indonesian dictionary, the word “incapable” is defined into two distinct meanings. First, it refers to the incapability of someone to do something and second, it is defined as the incapability to have more possessions, to be rich, and in an adequate living.  Correlated to the government’s reminder on the premium petrol, the second definition towards the word “incapable” is mostly appropriate to be attributable to this case.
            If what the government means in the wall banner is regarded with the incapable condition to fulfill the needs, the sense within can be interlinked to the satire meaning. Perhaps, the government wants to quip the citizens who has been basically capable, but they still make a purchase for the premium petrol. However, how if this case is reversed into the real sense of incapability, whether it is sensible to refer those who belong to the incapable living class are capable to make a demand for the premium petrol. It is clearly defined that the word “incapable” refers to the incapability to have more possession and be well off. People who live in this condition certainly will not be able to buy the additional needs including the premium petrol. Therefore, why the government should attach the word “incapable” aims to, if the negative sense is intended to the positive thought.         
In order to have broad understandings towards the content of the premium petrol banner, some citizens’ perceptions towards the incapability case are adopted. When the banner photo was shown to Dian (21), a college student, she acknowledged that this banner basically aimed to present a satire sense, but it failed to present a clear view. Apparently, this perception is also in line with what Fendika (21) and Triana (21), college students, perceived. They thought that it has been difficult for the incapable living class or pauper filling their basic needs, such as for foods, clothes, and shelters instead of purchasing for the additional need like the petrol. According to Bappenas through the final study on the social protection for the pauper, poverty is defined as the incapability of someone or households to fulfill their responsibilities on their basic needs. In another word, the banner on the premium petrol is not accord with the reality and the relation of poverty and incapability.
Dealing further with the vague view on the banner of premium patrol, Landjijono (60), a retired civil servant, perceived that the government actually was not serious in encouraging their citizens especially for the low-middle class to change over the non-subsidized petrol. In fact, there are still so many governmental vehicles purchasing for the subsidized petrol. Does Indonesian government also belong to the incapable living class which is only capable to purchase for the premium petrol? It is so pathetic knowing the fact that the government apparently is not consistent. Landdjijono (60) even added that it would be better for the government to create a meaningful reminder rather than to present a satire banner mostly for self-addressing.
Apparently, the existence of vague banner towards the premium petrol also intrudes Dinata (30), a house wife. Through kompasiana, she presented her opinions towards the satire banner. At first, she was quite teased by the content in the banner in which she was actually quite wealth, but still purchasing for the premium petrol. However, she just ignored this banner because she thought that it did not a matter for her to be classified into the incapable class, as long as she was still allowed to make a demand on the subsidized petrol. This phenomenon actually is interesting, but a bit strange. Dinata even added that it has been so apprehensive knowing the fact that most of Indonesian people belong to the incapable living class because they purchase for the premium petrol more often. However, if the condition compares to the definition of “incapable”, it will not be appropriate anymore. Are now most Indonesian people are incapable to have more possessions? Absolutely, not at all! People who are capable to have vehicles and afford of buying the petrol cannot be classified into the incapable living class.
The word “incapable” stated in the banner basically is intended to present a satire sense, but it fails due to the reality within the citizens. What definitions the government applies that makes the meaning of incapability becomes so vague. Moreover, it will not accord with the fact if the premium petrol consumers including the government belong to a class of incapable people or pauper. Most of citizens’ perceptions towards this case also vary from one another, but all of them acknowledged that the content of the premium petrol banner does not provide a clear sense. The government certainly should be more consistent in creating a comprehensive and meaningful reminder. Nowadays, the citizens are going more critical towards any cases related to the reality around them. That is why the qualified and logical dictions are needed to prevent the misconceptions towards the reality. 

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